Nov 30, 2006 19:53
I hope everyone is doing great. I have one favor- those of you who are God-fearing, miracle-believing people, please pray for me for healing. I don't want to go into details- there really isn't much, but it has been causing major annoyance, and frustration...where I just want to cry (and I have) because it bothers me. So please- pray for me. I'd reallly appreciate it.
On another note..
I've been thinking about life. Life is so can be here one moment, then the next minute- it's over. It's just so hard to fathom that.... until someone you know- passes away.
I want to do so much before my time is over.
Not only fulfill what God placed me on this earth to do- spread His Word...
But also other things like.... graduate from college... get a good stable paying job...
You get the point.
There are two people that I want to make SOOO SO happy before my time is over... (what would be SUPER is that God will come before we have to experience death!!)... but I want to do so much for my parents.
I want my parents to see me graduate... I know they'll be so proud
I want them to see me get married... Weddings are always so bittersweet... Father gives daughter away... but also witnesses her in probably one of the happiest states in herlife...
I want to give my parents grand-babies. Even though the word "Grandparent" signifies them being "old" :), knowing that your child... brought their own child into this earth is so amazing, don't you think?
My parents are two of the most important people to me on this earth.
Everyone- no matter what the circumstance is- remember that your mother and your father are the ones that brought you into existence (of course without God's assistance). Cherish them if they are still living. Be kind to them, respect them. Love them. Try and resolve any problems before it is too late. For those whose parents have passed away- Cherish them as well. Never forget them. Thank God that He brought them together...for if that were not the case, you would not be reading this right now.