[Rose is actually in town after mostly retreating in the Cullen House with her husband for the past few weeks. She's been avoiding a certain werewolf, and she's grateful that he's been taken because this means she can actually go around the village without running into him.
Right now, she can be found inside inside the library because she has
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But then, it was a serious question, wasn't it?]
I have seen human beings afflicted by immortality, in my world.
Are you afraid that you are growing less human?
[Rosalie remembers you, Ginko. She never forgets anyone. Though were they ever introduced?]
I'm not human anymore.
[Seeing as the conversation involved Ginko bemusedly watching what Sanji becomes around attractive women, introductions were left by the by]
I see. You are a vampire, now it seems. [as he'll read anything unfiltered without much shame] I had never heard that word until coming to this place-- is it a kind of immortality you chose, or that was forced upon you by circumstance?
[Oh how NOT pleased he'd be to know about the trees. Now if Moro decides to bite off his head on account of his promise, he WON'T know who to thank]
Why do you ask so many questions?
I apologize if I'm being rude-- you don't have to answer.
Call it force of habit. And well, you were asking a question I've had to think about a good deal myself.
Are you also a vampire, or just immortal?
Neither-- far the opposite, in fact [it's surprising he's still alive] But it's a choice I've had to make on the behalf of others.
Only when I've had to make that choice.
Seeing as-- I'm sure you're aware-- it comes with a price.
I didn't think it would seem so-- to someone who was immortal. And one of several, I think.
Besides, it isn't my ability.
Only in certain situations-- with the right materials.
I'm a mushi-master, not a god.
Are you human?
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