I knit!
I sew!
I bake!
(breadis zucchiniis)
....and I struggle
with the last bit of my Before Scotland book, which is primarily about the Celts, Picts & Romans, primarily because my knowledge of Scottish geography is *sorta* limited.
What I can say, though, is there seems to be less of a tender treatment by Moffatt of his Celtic subjects than his mysteriously tantalizing portrayal of ancestors further-back. But I dunno-- I need to return to these pages; there is so much militaristic/strategic detail that I rather glossed over a lot of it. I couldn't figure out where they were, why that would be significant, and who else they were pissing off ("them" being the Romans), so... glaze. But I don't recall too much mention of Celtic cultural response to these threats or life there otherwise...
So, more tea for me and back to the book.