Aug 10, 2007 16:24
so this is me...
back, it seems
And you'd better have bloody noticed my absence else my almost drumroll request seems ludicrous(let's just enjoy that word...Luuuudicrous...such an ace sound.)
My initial absence was due to fashion show related busy-ness then came the looming of Big Important Ludicrous Examinations. Then I'd been away so long I didn't want to come on without something major to say so this is it: I'm bored.
Well, I also figured I should those that didn't already know that I'm definitely off to Edinburgh to study philo, having got what I needed and all that. Also, I just got back from the BGG(Big Green Gathering) and figured if the didjeridoos and all that weren't worthy of reporting nothing ever would be.
Yes, my friends I played a DIDJERIDOO. and, yes, my friends, I looked daft as I did it and yes, I sounded like I was blowing a weasel. I also finally got meself along to 'sacred swordplay' which I scorned last year but it was still intriguing me. There wasn't a thing to scorn in sight, nothing dubiously hippyish or mystic about it...the inner peace comes from whacking each other with big wooden sticks(boy have I still got the bruises...) and enjoying the fact that you gain more and more control over your own movement and that of the sword and your oponent as you go on.
Tis a good job I found these two wonderful activities as otherwise I would have been having the shittiest time and still wondering(as I was for the first couple of days) why the fuck i was there. The people camping next to us were even bigger knubends than last year. They put their tents up on top of ours and we were treated to lengthy reports of exactly which drugs they'd been taking. The otherside had loud party and I lay awake at one point listening to a group of people trying half heartedly to their friend that our tent was not a toilet and that they probably shouldn't be shitting there. So THAT wasn't merry. Other bits were still truly good though...lots of happy shopping possibilities for one. Plus Groovy tunes, my new found favourite singer song writer lady being Martha Tilston...wasn't convinced I would like her when not live but listening to it online am still very much loving her voice and lyrics. I guess it helps that the rather friendly (and let's face it quite attractive) didj-player Paul was next to me in the crowd telling me he really like Martha. Plus, bar a few poopy(literally) areas that whole festival is so ace-looking and idyllic. There were lamps made to look like MOLES in HOLES!!! MMM and if nothing else stand upon stand of scrummy vegan food...
Got back elated and slightly stinky (my perchasal of Hemp-based deodorant, though full of good intentions, was possibly rather misguided) having tramped through London etc. in Wellies and other festival clobber (feeling sillier and sillier the further away we got) and arrived home to jabber at people in joy. Till I opened my post of course...WAHOO! and woopdidoo and other sarcastic happy noises my funding has been withdrawn for my fees. It seems I occupy a gap in the funding legislation eligibilty which means noone has to pay for me. Much heavy breathing on the part of my father later and I've launched an appeal. Hopefully it'll all be sorted out. In the mean time my iminent departure is getting steadily more daunting.
So yeah, whereas last year the BGG buoyed me up and kept me happy for ages afterwards this year it seems to have made returning to miserable Belgium harder to bear. Ah well, I'm sure once I know what to pack what into (ie, how I'm getting there n stuff)it'll be impossible not to get excited.