Mar 16, 2007 23:36
Competitive, painful yoga in a room heated to around 38 degrees? nah..I wouldn't recommend it. I did it on Wednesday as my Health Day activity(yet another product of people in the admin building at school having far too much free time). I fell asleep soon after I got in and woke up feeling like I had sun stroke. I haven't felt properly hydrated since. Plus it's now friday and the agony in my thighs and lower back is still very very quote an ace small welsh child who was on Crufts(I watch all the coolest TV but then I was talking to this German guy who lived in England for 6 months and he says the only English channel he misses is Channel 5 so...) "On a scale of one to ten it 'urted....nine".
I just watched 'The Importance Of Being Earnest' and 'Die Another Day' and accidentally-on-purpose avoided Comic relief. Meloves those filums soo much. Though I never realised before tonight that I even thought Die Another Day was all that great. No doubt in a few days all I will be able to remember are the clunkily delivered cringe-making lines and how old Pierce Brosnan looks in it...oh and how definitively unsexy fencing gear is...that might well be the final blow in my gradual meander towards giving up. Damn that hideous mixed metaphor there, apologies for it.
Right... off to sing songs about ptarmigans in cardigans then(along the lines of the Peter Cushing lives in Whitstable song only with ptarmigan as the principle rhyming word(so far it's proving tricky and there are only two lines))
night night