Jun 28, 2011 21:13
I was at Tsurusu Shou yesterday, and the 6th grade teacher gave an interesting lecture to his students that I sat in on. Before class started, he gave a small speech about 節電 (power conservation). It's a big topic right now since the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant provided a lot of power to the Kanto region, & now that its gone, Kanto is suffering from a major electricity shortage.
Anyway! The Onnagawa Power Plant apparently is the main electricity supplier in Miyagi. Well, was. Onnagawa was damaged in the tsunamis & is out of commission, leaving Miyagi in a similar 節電 state.
What I really got from the talk yesterday was that while thankfully it didn't turn out the same, but if Onnagawa had turned into the same situation as Fukushima (they were able to control it before anything horrible happened), I would have had to leave Sendai. Looking at the map, I'm just around where the evacuation zone would be.
I don't know - I guess I just hadn't put the two together. I mean, I knew about Onnagawa (everyone was talking about it!), but I didn't realize it was so close.
On a somewhat related topic, I'm thinking about buying one of the photo 3/11 memorial books. Y put it really well when he said that it's not about wanting to remember but about not wanting to forget.