(no subject)

May 07, 2008 21:20

I just signed up for my exam week hours at the library, and it made me realize that term is drawing to a close. Granted, four more weeks until I really get out of here, but you know how quickly those go by. It also made me realize I haven't posted in a while. So. Hello. ;]

And... that's all I have. Er. Lately I've been trying to focus on Japan & yet not focus on Japan - does that make sense? I'm super excited about going, but at the same time, I'm going to miss home so crazy much. It's the same feeling I got right before I left for EMU, & that scares the shit out of me.

Aaa, I still have months left before I go! It's too early to be this nervoussss.

Anyway! I think I need to really get over my weird thing about being touched. Okay. I've probably said that before, but it's kind of gotten to the point now that I don't really feel I have that good of a reason or excuse as to why I feel so uncomfortable around people. Hahah, well, easier said than done, but maybe some good old Google research will help me to, y'know, now be a freak.

The above needs to be amended, I do believe! Now that I think about it, I have been getting over my weird touching fear! I'm okay if I initiate the touch; it's just weird if someone else takes the action & touches me. That half over the hump, right? Right! Kinda! Yeah!

BTW, Pita Pit is my ♥.

BTW, again! Here are some plans for the summer, a la me.
-BUY CAMERA. (Okay, more note to self...)
-Go to zoo
-Go to beach
-LAS VEGAS/Birthday
-Taste of Chicago?

me & my freak, japan, random, pita pit, school

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