Mar 31, 2008 14:30
It's been a while since I actually posted something of substance, so here we go.
Spring term started last week, and classes have been going okay. I'm technically taking 4, but the 4th one (Pre-study abroad) doesn't start until 6th week, so at the moment, I'm chilling with three.
& oh! Major sadness last week. ;[ My banana phone strap broke off. I loved that little guy. Luckily he's not lost somewhere & instead resting nicely on my dresser. He made searching for my phone from inside my purse so much easier. RIP Banana Husband.
& besides that... nothing? The parents saw the hair on Friday, & I'm still alive! Mom was kind of angry at the beginning, but after a bit of mental processing on her part, she's okay with it.
I've been hanging out on AIM a lot. ;] (I know - weird!) It's a good time waster at work.
spring term,
banana husband