I was going through my camera and came across a test picture that I COMPLETELY forgot about that was done way back in August. LOL Usually I don't post my future plans, but some of them are already like.. eh what the heck.
But either way I wanna do
labyrinth heck yeah!
Bah... I don't look old enough...=\ . Ill play around with the makeup more.
Yeah, it was only a test picture from August like I said.. so the wig is wrong and the makeup I just messed around with. I also had to do something weird with my jaw where I kinda push it out?? To make my face look long and skinny ..
It's been in the back of my mind for 3 years, so hopefully this year. I wanna do fancy Masquerade ball outfit with the fancy coat :D
I'm gonna post a 2008 in review post later today too, lots of people have been doing that, and I never have.. so Ill post one too ^^
I found more progress pics, so ill end up posting some ^^ and ill probably do a planned list too later today.