Off I go! Akwardnesssssss

Jun 04, 2008 22:03

lol Ok So Not going to be here Saturday:( I going to miss Doctor Who and with last weeks episode OMG NO!.. But anyway sorry bout the not having it uploaded bit been busy with life and stuff... Isn't it fun lol but yeah no Doctor Who Cause I leave Friday at 7am (but will be up at 4am something to get to the air port by 5am *rolls eyes* I am thinking of just staying up all night and sleeping the whole plane trp there... sounds like a plan to me :D) But anywayz off to Jamaica I go and won't be back till Tuesday ^^ around 3 or so.

Yeah so It's my Grandparents (on my fathers side) 50th Anniversary OMG yeah they have been married THAT long. But yeah I am not close or anything with them.. I see them and stuff once and a while and it's always weird I am kinda the odd ball on that side of the family.. not like them at all I wear the weird chain pants or the ones that cover my shoes and dye my hair odd colors and listen to rock music and Gothic.. I could go on lol So yeah It's always weird visiting them But *shrugs* it's a mini Holiday :)And I am packing my iPod full of Movies and Music.. I am on A Robert Downey Jr Addiction at the moment XD(Did you know he SINGS! I didn't know that I found his New CD ... would never have thought it was him... he sounds... so not like him lol.. but I like his music its jazzy and mixture of other types ^^ ) So yeah I am on the hunt for his movies and Stuff watched one today tho called FUR :An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus. I have to say it was IN-TER-RES-TING lol But a fantastic film.. almost cried at the end :( But I liked it! JEFF you must seeeee it. Nicole Kidmans in it too..

But So Far I have(Of RDJ Stuff):
Iron Man(fantastic ^^)
FUR: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus(Strange but made of Awesome, RDJ Covered Head to toe in hair very weird)
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang(Hilarius I've seen it loads but it's a must)
A Scanner Darkly(Never really Watched it :/)
Less then Zero(never saw it)
Gothika(same as above)

I am still looking for
2 Girls and a Guy >.< No luck with that

I also Have(not RDJ):
Dirty Dancing (I am a sucker for this movie)XD
Secretary (I LOVE this Movie)

TV wise:
All of Torchwood Series 2 and 4 episodes of Series 1
Doctor who 6 Episodes season 1, 3 of 2, 4 of 3 and all the episodes so far for season 4 ^^
Oh and one Doctor Who Confidential.. the recent one
1 Episode of HEX
1 of Love soup
Grey's Anatomy 2 Hour Episode for this seasons

Also Have some JB and DT stuff Of course lol Oh And GDL

I am Surprised I still have Lots of Space..

I am so set lol if I get bored or what not I have lots to keep me entertained, Lots to watch, read, draw.. and listen to ^^.. I think I am prepared for not only the plane trip but for when I get there and on the way home XD I am still looking for more the list might grow lol Still debating if I want to put About Adam on there... Hmm Stuart Townsend or Shortbus Another Awesome have to see movie.. I have to many lol*shrugs* have all day tomorrow.. will upload Doctor who then ^^ My goodbye gift lol
well I am off See Ya!

life update

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