Title: She's got them Balls
Pairing: Kamenashi Kazuya - other / Akanishi Jin - Other / Akame
Genre: Romance, Drama, Humor
Rating: NC-17
Length: multichapter
Summary: When suddenly Akanishi's body has been taken over by a 'manly girl' at the start of Tour 2009 Break the Records, everything seems to get out of hand. After finally getting used to a 'weird' Akanishi, Kamenashi seems to be falling for him (the girl's feminine sides, which she never knew she had). Since he doesn't know there's a girl inside Akanishi, he's scared for being called 'gay'. Kamenashi ignores his feelings, but how long can he lie to himself?
Disclaimer: I don't own the guys. Just the plot and the fictional characters. English isn't my mother language, so there can be some 'mistakes' in the texts
Previous chapters:
Prologue /
Chapter 1 /
Chapter 2 /
Chapter 3 /
Chapter 4 /
Chapter 5 /
Chapter 6 /
Chapter 7 /
Chapter 8 /
Chapter 9 /
Chapter 10 /
Chapter 11 /
Chapter 12 /
Chapter 13 /
Chapter 14 /
Chapter 15 /
Chapter 16 /
Chapter 17 /
Chapter 18 /
Chapter 19 /
Chapter 20 /
Chapter 21 /
Chapter 22 /
Chapter 23~:
“Koki, can I talk to you for a second?” Kamenashi had it. He needed to open his mouth. He felt the urge to talk to someone about his problem.
“Yes, ofcourse.” Koki said, as every good friend would listen to another person's problems.
“I've got a bit of a problem...” Kamenashi started calm.
“And that is?” Koki asked, not knowing how to help him with nothing to start with.
“You see, I myself don't really like the feeling...” he proceeded. “Ehm no, that's not true... sometimes I do like the feeling. It's like a traffic light. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.”
“Don't make it complicated Kamenashi. Just tell me what's wrong.” Koki said.
“I think... no, I'm pretty sure... I like Akanishi.” Koki would've chocked if he would be taking a sip from a drink right now. He quickly thought about the fact that Kimber was in Akanishi's body to start with.
“So, how long has this been going on?” Koki asked, hoping Kamenashi would reply 'just a few days'.
“Ehm... not so long... Few days? Maximum a week.” he replied, not being sure. Koki felt secure. He just fell for Kimber while she was in Akanishi's body.
“So, you just fell for Akanishi, what's the problem?” Kamenashi was surprised how Koki didn't see 'the problem'. Why did he take it so easily, he wondered.
“That means I'm gay. And I can't bear with having this thought. I mean, sometimes I can, when I see him for example, but otherwise I'm just going crazy!” Kamenashi explained. Koki had a plan.
“Okay, try to follow me in my reasoning. Suppose that you're a man, which you are, but you feel like a woman. As in gender identity. But you like men. Then, are you heterosexual or homosexual?” Koki asked. Kamenashi didn't know why he started that way, since Kamenashi didn't feel like a woman at all.
“Homosexual” Kamenashi replied.
“And what's your argument for that reply?” Koki asked, making Kamenashi think.
“I mean, he's still a man. A man that falls for a man is gay, right? I mean, as long as that man has a male body, he's gay.” Kamenashi started to feel worse, since in that way he was saying to himself that he was gay.
“Okay, but let's try something else. If that male that falls for male persons, is actually a female, what then?” Koki asked, making it more complicated.
“Koki, you're not making sense. A man is a man, and a woman is a woman.” Kamenashi replied.
“No but let's say, hypothetically that a male and a female had a body swap, and the female was in the male his body. Does this make this female homosexual, just because she has a male body, which was your argument.”
“That's not even possible.” Kamenashi said. Koki nodded, although he knew different.
“Yes, but I want you to follow me in my reasoning, so just do it.”
“Then she's hetero?”
“But she has a male body, which was your argument in the first place.” Koki replied.
“But I'm more like... Her spirit is hetero, but when it comes physically it's different...” Kamenashi replied, having a heard time to reason with Koki since he made it complicated.
“But let's say you have to give the child a name. Is she heterosexual or homosexual?”
“Well you can scarcely say as a man that you're hetero when you like men.”
“Okay, but now let's turn it around for once. Suppose that you're a man, and you like woman, but since you're a nice guy and you fall for it's inside instead of the outside, and you fall for that man who feels like a girl, then what are you?” Koki made it even more complicated. Now he was actually trying to consult him a little bit, since he knew that Kamenashi was a male that fell for a guy who had a girl's spirit.
“Then you're hetero.”
“Still, the other person's body is male. Why would he be heterosexual, and the other not?” Koki tried to have Kamenashi thinking with him.
“If you fall for a man who's a female on the inside, you're gay.” Kamenashi replied, thinking his reply over again.
“You become gay, you want to say.”
“No? A man that falls for a man but feels like a woman, then that man is gay? I mean, it's still a man” Kamenashi was confused.
“But falling for someone doesn't mean that the body is included. You've got people who fall for another person's character, nothing else. You've got people who admit that their girlfriend or boyfriend is ugly.” Koki said.
“Ehr... then he's bisexual?” Kamenashi had a hard time reasoning with Koki, he was really making it more and more complicated.
“So, let's go back to our theorem. Then the man that feels like a woman is bisexual, you want to say?”
“Eh, which theorem?” Kamenashi was getting really confused.
“The theorem of 'A man that falls for a girl in a male's body'. I think we can agree that he's not heterosexual, neither homosexual. But, he isn't bisexual either, since he doesn't feel attracted to other men.”
“Ehm yes...” Kamenashi almost gave up. “But hey, what's this got to do with me?” Kamenashi asked.
“Just wait, you'll see what it's got to do with you.” Koki replied. Not that he was planning to reveal that there was actually a girl in Akanishi's body.
“So, I think by making it a bit more complicated, we can come to a decent solution.” Koki said. Kamenashi was already fearing of not being able to follow anymore at all.
“I'm not sure anymore. Do you mean a child with hermaphroditic genitals or someone who feels that he's in the wrong body... like a man that feels like a woman in a male's body?” Kamenashi partly misunderstood something.
“Kame, with child I meant something else. With 'Child' I didn't mean the person we were talking about was a child, but the result we are looking for. With 'give the child a name' I meant, what would you say is the result.” Koki laughed.
“Owh, I'm sorry...” Kamenashi felt a little dumb. “This is hard...”
“And as a solution to your question, someone who feels like he has the wrong body. So, like I said, we agreed that both of them aren't homosexual, neither homosexual, nor bisexual.”
“But then what is it?” Kamenashi asked.
“Well, we still have 2 other options.” Koki replied. Kamenashi looked at Koki. Since when were there 2 other options?
“So, we've got pansexual or polysexual remaining.” Koki said happily, finally reaching to where he was wanting to end up to pep up Kamenashi a bit.
“Pansexual and Polysexual... I don't know what that is... explain?” Kamenashi asked.
“Pansexual is falling for the inner person, instead of the outer person, ruled out the sex.”
“But then that's the same as bisexual?” Kamenashi looked at Koki with a face that expressed how confused he was.
“Yes, but still there's a difference. Bisexuals still speak of sex, with sex meaning man or woman, while pansexuals don't. To them it's all the same.”
“Ehm... and polysexual is?” Kamenashi asked.
“Polysexual is the total opposite.” Koki replied.
“So then that's the same as bisexual, since they do speak about genders?”
“No.” Koki replied. Kamenashi felt really dumb, having Koki say 'no' again.
“Polysexual people are people who don't limit the sexes. They don't speak about 'just 2 genders', but more than 2.”
“How's that possible? There are only 2 genders.” Kamenashi pulled a weird face.
“Let's say, they see some people different. For example, the man that feels like a girl could be a 3rth gender, while a girl that feels like a man is a 4th gender. In that way now you've already got 4 genders.”
“Okay...” Kamenashi nodded, being able to reason with him at this point.
“Then I think that the person who falls for the man that feels like a girl is polysexual.”
“Ehm... yes...” Kamenashi nodded.
“Since that person doesn't just fall for any other guy. Just the one who has that girl's character.” Koki explained again. Kamenashi nodded.
“Now there's where you are.” Koki suddenly said. Kamenashi didn't see what this had to do with him.
“What do you mean? Jin doesn't feel like a girl, does he?” Kamenashi asked confused.
“No, but let's say it like this. It's the same case. The man that falls for the guy with a girl's character doesn't feels attracted to other men either, just like you, right? Or do you feel attracted to other men too?”
“NO!” Kamenashi quickly responded.
“Well, let's say that you're polysexual. To you, Akanishi is a different gender, a 3rth gender, or if you can accept our examples as genders too, a 5th gender. Another special case.”
“Ehm yes...” Kamenashi started to understand what this had to do with him.
“Then you fall for woman, and for people with the Akanishi gender.” Koki explained. Kamenashi nodded, understanding how he was not gay but polysexual.
“Why did you had to start so compicated instead of just explaining that I was polysexual?” Kamenashi suddenly asked, still being a bit confused.
“Well, if I started to explain polysexual straight away, would you understand me as much as you did now?” Koki asked. Kamenashi thought about it for a moment.
“Probably not...” He answered.
“So, now your problem is solved. You don't have to afraid to be homosexual, cause you're not. You're polysexual.” Koki happily smiled.
“Ehm thanks...” Kamenashi replied. It was true that whatever he said made logic, but still he felt a bit homosexual. Polysexual sounded so strange to him. Akanishi a 5th gender, great. Although in real life Akanishi was part of the 3th gender according to Koki's mind, the female in a male's body. He felt like he did something right.
“So Koki... since you eh... don't see me as a gay person... and don't mind me being in love with Akanishi... can I tell you something?” Kamenashi asked.
“Shoot!” Koki said, wondering what he would tell.
“Yesterday night I had sex with Akanishi.” Kamenashi said. Koki felt his head becoming dizzy, the thought of Akanishi's body and Kamenashi's body having sex was a lot to take for him. How many would this Kimber traumatize him still? First Akanishi and the tampon, then Kimber and Kamenashi kissing, and now Kimber and Kamenashi having sex!
“SHHTTT!” Kamenashi said.
“Are you serious?!” Koki asked.
“Yes... well he was a bit drunk and it all happened so fast... but I couldn't resist.” Kamenashi replied.
“You mean Akanishi approached you while being drunk?” Koki was thinking about the possibility of Kimber falling for Kamenashi too.
“Well eh, it's actually me who approached him. I kinda confessed yesterday... and then we had sex.”
“You confessed?! Well seems you already had your feelings sorted out very well at that point!” Koki replied.
“Well yes... I mean no. Remember what I said, Sometimes I feel like 'yes' and sometimes I feel like 'No, you're not gay Kame'” Kamenashi explained.
“Owh, right. So?” Koki asked.
“Well... he forgot... because he was drunk while having sex and when he woke up next to me he had already forgotten everything.”
“And...?” Koki felt like Kamenashi wanted to say something else.
“I actually... quite... enjoyed it...” Kamenashi replied. “I mean, okay it was a bit different but I still felt like the man, you know. I mean, it's not like if I was the one who got the penis in my ass...”
“TOO MANY DETAILS!” Koki shouted. Kamenashi understood that it might be hard to take for Koki. At least, hearing someone's sex experiences were a no for many people to start with. It was quiet for a second.
“Still I feel... a bit homosexual.” Kamenashi said. Koki almost wanted to give up.
“You know what, fuck it, fuck Akanishi! You're straight!” He said.
“Hah?” Kamenashi didn't understand why he suddenly said that. When it came to fuck Akanishi he came to thought 'I already did that..'
“You know, there's this dutch saying that goes: 'The exception is the confirmation of the law' So what, you like woman, but as an exception you like Akanishi, fuck it, you're straight.” Koki said suddenly. It got Kamenashi to think. What a beautiful saying, useful in many situations. He'd never forget that, just like Koki never forgot it.