Pike/One, K/S fic: The Loop

Aug 05, 2011 02:04

Title: The Loop.

Artist: theoreticalpixy

Author: ariadnechan and the_physicist

Rating Art/Fic: PG/ Fic: PG-13

Genre: Adventure, romance

Pairing: Kirk/Spock & Pike/Number One.

Word Count: ~9570

Warnings: Time loops, Mayor characters disappearance.

Art Thumbnail:

Fic Summary: Pike calls for Jim and Spock in a secret mission. They must to go to Sigma four to rescue younger Pike/Number one from their imprisonment. Pike has confidence in this mission, because he was there and he saw Jim and Spock rescue them. But what will happen to Jim and Spock there? Will they comeback alive in their own timelines to finish the loop in time?

Link to Art: here

Tyler knew it was time to inform Star Fleet that the two most senior officers had vanished, leaving behind no clues, just thin air.


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