Just to let you know,
pike_numberone is now affiliated with
startrekfic, and
Also, the
Masterlist has been updated. If your stories aren't currently linked, please leave a comment on the post and let me know, and I'll add them! For the time being, I'm linking to completed works only; no WIPs. However, once you've finished and archived your stories, please send me the link and I'll update accordingly.
Lastly, it looks like Dave Stern's forthcoming Pike-era TOS novel The Children of Kings has been been renamed as
To Thine Own Self, according to the Amazon.com product link and a
simonandschuster.net. It has a street date of 30 March 2010, and according to Amazon.com synopsis, "The Orion Syndicate takes the Enterprise's doctor. Captain Pike must discover why the Orions no longer fear Starfleet."
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