It's been nearly three months, and while there are still loads of prompts still open from
Prompt Table #1, I thought it was time for 50 new prompts, to give folks more inspiration! Feel free to write fan fiction or create fan artwork about Pike and Number One (AOS or TOS) based on any of the following prompts:
51. artificial
52. awake
53. beginnings
54. blindfold
55. blood
56. book
57. cage
58. communicate
59. dirty little secret
60. endings
61. enough
62. failure
63. forgotten
64. girl's night out
65. green curry
66. grey hair
67. handcuffs
68. hand-to-hand
69. hollow
70. martini
71. medal
72. memory
73. mettle
74. morning person
75. movie night
76. music
77. night owl
78. Paris
79. peace
80. pecan pie
81. penny-dreadful
82. promise
83. reflection
84. responsibility
85. ribbon
86. Risa
87. run
88. scars
89. shore leave
90. Starfleet Intelligence
91. subbordinate
92. subterfuge
93. surprise
94. target practice
95. tea
96. thunderstorm
97. tricorder
98. turbolift
99. undress
100. walking shoes