Sorry I didn't really post any Halloween theme blogs this year. There have been a lot of personal things going on. This is not because of the hurricane. I live in California. I had planned to make crafts, a costume for myself (I even bought horror flesh and snazaroo makeup), work on my comic, and do some other stuff.
I haven't really had any alone time to work on my crafts and stuff. Plus I had gotten that one day gig job. Maybe I'll post what I did put together on my doll crafts blog. I just had a lot of stuff planned and no time to do it.
Maybe I'll post something after the fact. I even wanted to upload some videos on youtube.
I just want to say a few things before I go. First of all when did combining costumes become popular? Personally I've been doing that for years because I'm cheap and indecisive. Like that crazy
Gwen Stefani costume I made in 10th grade.
I couldn't write a Halloween blog without criticizing strange sexy costumes. Sexy Hamburger WTF? (some people thought it was a picture of me. LOL! Sorry I got this pic off the web)
Shouldn't hamburgers look like this? Aren't they more wide?
Just a thought to leave you with.