Title: My Knight in Tin Foil [1/8]
Author: ixjaydee
Rating: PG
Pairing: Myungyeol (Myungsoo/Sungyeol)
Genre: srs bsns
Disclaimer: Do not own.
Summary: When the Kingdom of Woolim gets frozen in time, Prince Myungsoo must make a journey across the land to visit the Titan of Time to restore Time to his kingdom. Accompanying him will be his personal
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this is so interesting :O I wonder why myungsoo, sungyeol, and woohyun didn't freeze..
this wass exactly what I needed to make my day better after a morning of chasing around second and third graders =A=; camp counselor ftw.
i think i'll go take a nap now OTL
Go take a nap. I'd've strangled one of them by now XD
idek what i'm doing anymore ._______.
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