(no subject)

Apr 02, 2004 15:13


We made vanilla ice cream in chem. It was fun and tasty!

Going to the dr. in a few min.

Talked to Jess for a bit *waves* HI JESS!! ^_^

We read Faulcner's Rose for Amy or someting of that taste. It was O'Connell's favorite so i new there would be trouble. To make a long story-ten pages-short, the woman kills her homosexual "husband" (my group thought he was gay to ms. o'connell's disagreement) b/c he couldn't be with her and then slept with teh dead body every night. Ms. O'connel called her a something or other-a person who sleeps with dead people. It was a very well written, but a very unusual story and of Course it was her favorite. She called it "beautiful" I think i am missing the something, i mean it's probobly me, i mean i'm not good at interpreting literature but...o well on to something else

I'm so happy it's vacation!

Happy Early Passover and Easter!

Grandma and Grandpa are coming back from Florida tomorrow! YAY! My family, grandma and grandpa, and my cousins and i (oo grammar..i think) are going out for dinner after my mom's guidence exam. I also have the musuem.

Gots to go now

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