I watched The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou last night. It was like the movie equivalent of a They Might Be Giants song--droll, engaging, idiosyncratic, and much too short. And "Search And Destroy" was played over one of the Climactic Fight Scenes. Really, that almost made me cry with happiness. Yay for my new favorite movie.
In other news, I am being dragged into a world of
cute, deformed, ridiculously photogenic vinyl figures.
Veronica Mars:
((xkcd)) (If anyone cares, there aren't really spoilers. I just felt like putting that there.)
I liked last week's episode, but IMO this week's was too soap-opera-y. The storyline about Wendy was interesting, but it was mostly Veronica worrying about Logan and Logan being evasive and Madison appearing at odd times to exacerbate Veronica's worrying. And Mac wasn't in the episode.
Morrissey is appearing at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium tomorrow and the night after. Unsurprisingly, tickets are sold out. *sigh* I am currently in the process of finding a way to keep up on nearby concerts so that the next time this happens I don't collapse in a heap of fangirlish angst like I did a few hours ago.
Okay, I'm tired now.
(Sky, are you ever going to post about Disney World?)
(14 days until I turn 13...)