Sep 10, 2005 21:22
Um...I have to stop starting sentences with um or uh. I went to Shara's birthday party today. She turned 12 long ago but didn't really get around to a party until today. There was much rejoicing. /yay/* Sky (pineappleinc), Rachael (sorrowfulxmeh) and I mostly stayed away from the activities and read Franklin books. You know, Franklin the turtle. Sky and I found two books, Franklin is Messy and Franklin is Bossy. We read them alternating lines with a karaoke microphone (so that everyone in the pool and scavenger hunt had to listen to us), and much laughing and completely nonsensical phrases ensued (i.e. Franklin stomped all the/*crrrrrruuuuuuunch!*). Then Rachael joined us and we switched to a Christmas drawing book, a crossword puzzle book, and a chemistry experiment book. It was funny at the time.... When someone said "This'll never end", we started to play Pass the Microphone. Or at least that is what I called it. So we were sitting on the couch with a karaoke microphone, and we would pass it around saying utterly random things. It looked kind of like this--(me, Sky, Rachael)--"Waffle." "Flawful." "Hilary Duff." "Must die." "She sucks." "Like totally." "Insert scream here." "/screams/" "Ooga ooga." "Corn starch." "Soap." "I'm sorry, corn starch is just too funny."
I know it doesn't make sense, that's the beauty of it. Oh yeah, and from "Ooga ooga" on we were referring to Sky's birthday party a couple of months ago. Good times. Then we had cake, opened presents, negotiated with our mothers, and sat on swingsets in precarious positions. While we sat on the swingset, we discussed HHW (Homeschoolers who Hate the World, the club we formed on May 28), and found that we were all wearing black shirts with skulls on them (Rachael had a darkly funny "Little Faerie Princess" shirt, Sky had a Jack Skellington shirt, and I had a skulls/crossbones hugs/kisses shirt.), so we changed the name to Homeskullers who Hate the World. Then we discussed many things including abortion, the death penalty, the war in Iraq, the utter pointlessness of all wars, various other political issues, Buffy (because you can't have a /real/ conversation with Sky without talking about Buffy), death, dress codes (at my and Sky's former school, and Winter's current school, wearing black is now not allowed because /they/ associate black with gangs), (death to) Hilary Duff, liberal-ness, the correct pronunciation of nuclear, and separation of church and state. I know we talked about more and I'm not even half-done recording the great fun that the Girl Skulls (as opposed to Girl Scouts) had on September 10 2005 but I'm being yelled at to get off the computer right now, editing with more later. :/
Edit: Ok so starting where I left off. We rerenamed Homeskullers who Hate the World the Girl Skulls, Troop 666. We're three atheist, liberal, prep-hating, Hilary Duff/Jessica Simpson/other ditzy singer-hating, slightly-to-extremely goth, war-hating, and computer-obsessed people who are rewriting the Girl Scout manual. Sky and I are splitting the religion section if there is one.../evil grin/ Um.......after the party (which roxx0red, happy birthday Shara), I realized that I had to go to one of Cory's football games and started to panic. So Sky invited me and Rachael to her house. And there was much rejoicing. /yay/* We went for a walk around Sky's apartment complex, during which we talked about various obsessions (Buffy, Guild Wars, The Who, computers in general), abortion and this indescribably tasteless bumper sticker (LIFE IS A GIFT, NOT A CHOICE!) (O_O), the evilness and corruptness of the Bush Administration, death, and much, much more. Then we went to Round Table for pizza for dinner, where Mom tracked me down and dragged me home.
Quotes of the day--
Rachael--"What the hell IS a weapon of mass destruction?"
Sky--"I dunno. Something dead."
Sky--[joke]I hate conservatives. They're always stereotyping people."[/joke]
Sky--"Do those even exist?"
Me--"No. But one attacked me the other day."
Ok so they're funnier in context. Nuculard is from when we were talking about the correct and incorrect pronunciations of nuclear (/'noo-klee-uhr/ <--normal-person pronunciation, /'noo-,kyoo-lahr/ <--Dubya pronunciation). Earlier when reading/alternating lines with Sky and Rachael, Rachael said something about vegetable shortening and lard, which made everyone within 13 feet burst into paroxysms of laughter. There was a point to this entry, but it has temporarily escaped the mind of the author*.
Phrases marked with asterisks are obscure Monty Python and the Holy Grail or Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy references. No more remains to be said.
Other than happy birthday Jennifer! Her birthday was yesterday as of today.