My Dear Stamina, why hath you deserted me?

Apr 05, 2005 09:37

Well well well. Get mugged and don't exercise for 2 weeks, and watch your stamina go downhill BIGTIME! I played Badminton last night. Really rather enjoyed it. I managed to keep up mostly, but damn am I'm feeling like roadkill today. It's like my cells are all rebelling, saying "don't to that again, 'tard." Sorry guys, you know the drill, I gotta get back to fitness again. Push through, use that lovely willpower I have a least a smattering off, and get back at it.

But damn it's hard. Feel so lethargic. All I wanted to do tody was call in sick and watch DVD's. They were calling to me... "come watch us. forget that shitty work and watch watch watch." Ah well, later this week I'll probably watch a few, with good company. :) Good news is my rib isn't bitching at me today. I was expecting it too.. which of course is why it isn't. Go figure.

Well seeing I am here at work, I'd best get on with it.


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