they are my own and i am never broken

Sep 10, 2010 20:27

I feel really mellow and happy right now. ♥ Basically this whole week has consisted of nothing but "keep on truckin'" to get to the weekend, and here I am now. :D Honestly it's all been kind of stressful, everything was kinda stressful up until now. The way school stresses me out is, of course, not of a healthy level... I've started getting stomach aches and headaches out of no where from the feelings of stress, but I have an appointment for some cognitive behavior therapy in about two weeks or so. Which in a way kinda sucks, cos it was that or coloring my hair again. Buuut I have to think of my school work and my relationships first so.. It's really expensive though. 180 dollars per hour. ughhhh. I'll have to see her once every two or three months if that's the case. I'm a little nervous to meet her too. /awkward I fail at making impressions.

On a less sobsob note, I start work in four days! :D I've already begun to like the people there, Meowth took me there to check it out last night, just to do something a little relaxing, and when we went in it was a ghost town aside from the employees. We broke out a board game called '5 Second Rule' and we all played it and we were laughing so hard, so I'm already making friends and that's good. |3 I won't have to go through the "omg how do I talk to strangers" thing I always do. I also was invited by Amanda (the manager who I'm quickly starting to love) to go to a game night that the employees are having this Sunday and I'm sooo excited. <3 Meowth says we all have to take our own drinks though. cream soda ftw.

What else ...~ One of my best best best friends in the whole world just messaged me on facebook. ah. :DD <3 My night is kind of made. OH and boyfriend is off all day tomorrow so we get to spend another full day just together. I miss that so much. ;; hnn nothing else going on.

school, friends, job, boyfriend

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