Prayer to the Menopause gods... (TMI for the guys, sorry....)

Nov 05, 2005 21:47

Dear MGs -

If this *is* menopause (instead of just being perimenopausal), could you just stop the monthly flow already instead of teasing me about it by ping-ponging me with 4 weeks here, 6 weeks there, 4 weeks here, 8 weeks there? Just when I think I might be done and let my guard down, you make it return. I am also tired of wasting money on pads every day that don't end up getting needed, but must be worn, just in cast Today's the Day. I've had night sweats for months already.

Just be *done with it*, wouldja? I really, really wouldn't mind. In fact, I'd be frellin' delighted about it.

Thank you.
