Tue, 19:36: RT @ JimMFelton: 2016 Brexiters: No sharks after Brexit 2017: Nobody said there wouldn't be sharks 2019: You all voted for sharktown https:/…
Wed, 01:35: RT @ StephenAtHome: If our government is "shut down," then how come the president's mic is still on?
Wed, 01:39: RT @ TheGoodGodAbove: Calm down, there’s nothing to worry about, except for everything. So just go chill out, or don’t, it’s really up to yo…
Wed, 01:41: RT @ Dadsaysjokes: I threw an iPhone into a lake the other day. It’s still syncing.
Wed, 01:42: RT @ s8n: Can everyone stop saying I’m their ex smh I have standards