#11 "Oh No! I'm Missing A Bow!" Complete

Aug 12, 2009 11:15


Project Title: #11 "Oh No! I'm Missing A Bow!" ( registration)

Project Start Date: August 8, 2009
Planned Finish Date: before August 19, 2009 (my trip to San Fran)
Actual Finish Date: August 11, 2009
Did you make changes from original plan? Yes, I had to go buy bigger rick rack, since the teeny-size was too small.
Did you discover something you want to share? YES! This is a great way to replace missing bows, if you can find suitable fabric.
How happy are you with the result? (in percentage, ie 60%, 100%, 20%) 95%, I might re-do the headband bow, but it is find for now. HOWEVER, I don't think I could have found any better fabric that wasn't the original print.

BEFORE (the original headband bow pic was accidentally deleted)


brand - bodyline, loli-sewing

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