Mar 21, 2006 12:46
I had a dream last night that I was a mobster. Everything was real, but I knew that I was in a game of some sort. I was in the back of an old (probably 1930's) car, and we were driving on the freeway. For a long time I was on the driver's side, trying to shoot or otherwise disable a car to our left, but I wasn't having much luck. After a while, I saw a car coming up on the passenger's side, and moved over to the other door - which I found had a machine gun mounted through it. It had a big black knobbish handle on the back to aim it, and a counter on the side. I thought "maybe this counts how much ammo is left," but when I checked it, it was counting up. It seemed to have unlimited ammo.
I fired and fired at the other car, but the other driver was paying attention to my firing arc, and every time he would get into it, he would slow down and be back out. I held off firing for a bit, and the other car got well within my firing arc, and I let him have it. After a few seconds and a lot of holes, their airbags deployed, and the other car slowed down suddenly. The guy driving my car said "was that their airbags?" and I said "yep," and we laughed and drove on.
Then I woke up on the couch.
I think this is what I get for doing so much Halo racing.
My ex is... Someone I still think about
Maybe I should... Go outside
I hate it when people... Act irrationally
I love...Pizza and electronics
I don't understand...Calculus
I lost my...Car keys
People would say that I'm... A nice guy
Love is... Something you can't find by looking for it
Somewhere, someone is...Searching for me
I will always... Remember
Forever is... A really long time
I never want her/him to... Forget about me
I think the current President... Could be doing a much better job
I woke up this morning... On my couch
Life is full of... Learning experiences
My past is... Something I'd prefer not to think about
I get annoyed when... Things don't go as planned
Parties are... Fun
I wish... I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller...
My dog is... Nonexistent
My cat/cats is... A furry spoiled brat
Kisses are the best when... They're soft and slow
Tomorrow I'm going to... Wake up, search for jobs, and try to decide which direction my life should go
I really want.... Peace of mind
I have low tolerance for people who... Judge people in situations they've never been in
If I had a million dollars I'd...Buy your love
If I had $100,000 I'd...Put it in the bank and try to make it last
If I had $10,000 I'd... Pay off my car, my bills, and throw the rest at my student loan
If I had $1,000 I'd... Build a really nice computer
If I had $100 I'd... Go out drinking
If I had $10 I'd... Put it in my wallet
If I could be anything when I grow up I'd be... Someone to admire