Jan 20, 2011 22:18
MY LIFE. AT THE MOMENT....................................
I gotta say sucking today:{
i like failed my frenchmidterm :((( i got an 84 and everyone else got 90's i'm a dumb asian.:P
someone took mah pitcher i made in ceramics class so i gotta remake it tho she said i could be exempted from it...but i'd rather try for a pitcher and she take out my coil bowl...:P cuz i really didn't try on that it looks fucked up.
i finished MOST OF MY ENGLISH PAMPHLET<33333ZOMGOODNESS i've been procrastinating putting the thing together FOREVER. HAHAHAHHAA.
:) and i gotta write a french paragraph...and it's supposed to be on a poster with pictures of our baby selves...NOT GONNA HAPPEN. i really don't wanna take a language (unless it's german or latin...-shrugs-):| so i really gotta focus but ican't because of computers, ipads, technology, internet, tumblr, twitter, cellular device, and ipodular device.
and anyways.
i've been feeling shiitttyyy. i just wannted to go cry and go in a hole forever because I'm a loser and i'm lost and i don't what to do. i don't have a bff or ever someone i can spill my guts too. i just have to live this life alone for now. until i get a bf which is never.;P
ohoho loser i am. and yea i should go study now for my bio midterm D:::: BUT DELAYED OPENING FTW FTW FTW!!!!:DDDD<3333 lovelyfulz pancakes<333
cya livejournal<333much love:)
lol sorry for the large font but i'm not wearing contacts :{P