N0TiCE/WARNiNG: this will be a personal diary/blog

Nov 30, 2007 23:34

this blog will now pertain to more my personal life, fangirling, and possibly links to videos/audio/radio/general stuff that i rant on and on about. also: it will be completely UNCENC0RED. so please . i will say hateful things, so dont read if it offends you. i warned you ne.
i will also be saying stupid stuff and pure opinions, so please read with caution - or dont read.

FIRST OFF - an apology
im sorry because i might of mislead you to believe that i would be uploading a lot of stuff ... i had the intentions to .. but then i realized that:
1. most of the stuff i stole off someone online [more likely from some comm or someone's LJ] .. and now i feel really guilty
2. before i got my ext hard drive .. i burned everything onto dvds .. and im lazy
3. my stupid school jst downed by bandwidth .. so i cant really upload anything unless i do it over a million years. [or rather .. a few weeks]
4. my translation skills are shit. sorry.
5. im forgetful.

however . if i talk about something i downloaded and you really really want me to upload it .. i will honestly consider it .. so dont stop from asking .. i jst cant promise anything .. but i will tell you whether or not i will do so.

secondly my life
i think i said it once .. but i'll say it again - im a weirdo. im a girl. in college. a chem major. mixed. weird family. kinda socially awkward. AND HARDC0RE OBSESSiVE. yupp . let's jst say if i like someone [not like someone i know .. i mean like famous! i.e. kat-tun, kanjani8, laruku, HYDE, miyavi .. just to name a few] i have THOUSANDS of pictures .. T0NS of videos .. all their music ... concerts ... dvds .. etc. you get the idea. i think about them all the time. so yea..

i think i will get started next entry.

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