"Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a Salvador Dali painting."

Nov 29, 2005 22:52

I was bored and started poking around on the internet for a list of commonly used slang in order to compile a list to use in my tutoring sessions, as explaining that I'm a big dork and three quarters of the slang I use is derived from video games, TCG's, or conventions is rather unpleasant. From Wikipedia I was directed to this site [www.unwords.com], and felt the need to share some of the amusing sland I found...

abandonmitt (-bn'dn-mt)
(n.) The act of letting go of someone's hand rather hastily before they would like.

acknodledge (k-nd-'lj)
(v.) To nod at someone while walking in opposite directions in a hall in order to acknowledge their existence but not risk starting a conversation for fear of being considered as desperate or cause an awkward moment.

Bah (bä)
(interj.) An alteration to the word "meh." It can mean many things depending on the way it is said. Among other things, it can be used as a greeting. It's offical counterpart is used to express impatient rejection or contempt. While certainly not wrong in definition, the official definition does not express the broadness in use that this word offers.

banectomy (b-nek't-m)
(n.) The removal of bruises and other discrepancies on a banana.

belly twister (bl' tws'tr)
(n.) A plastic coated wire used to close a bag of bread or other twist-close item.

bitsipookems (bt's-p'kms')
(n.) An afectionate term used to adress a loved one, usually a significant other. See also: snagamuffin, pooty pie

bleemus (blm's)
(n.) The disgusting film on the top of soups, puddings, and cocoa that sit out for too long.

bolognah (bl-'n)
(n.) When one reaches for the the bologni in the fridge but finds out it's sticky and old and decides they're better off without it.

And that's just A and B, folks. Bolognah is my new favorite slang, as the next time my better half gives himself food poisoning eating aged baloney, clever little me will have the correct slang to bring a touch of humour to an otherwise dismal situation.

And yes, it has happened. Does anyone know the proper way to spell baloney? Bologni? Bologna?
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