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Aug 13, 2005 09:08

              Thursday, I was supposed to go with Ashlyn to the fair, but that didn't work out like we had planned, so I was just sitting around and then Erin called and asked me to go with her, and I did :) She stayed over night afterwards and we didn't get to bed until after midnight because Erin was freaking hyper:D She was singing "dominic the donkey" to me, and that was pretty funny :P ...chickity chick, heeha, heeha, it's donminic the donkey... then we talked to Tierra a little bit on here, then we decided to go try to fall asleep, but that didn't work either :P We had popcorn, peppers 8), capri suns, iced tea, and gummies :). yummm yummm<3

Friday, we woke up around 9:00 because Andrea called, but niether of us had the energy to get out of bed to answer it, so we tried calling back later, but she wouldn't answer the phone, but I tried plenty of times and got ahold of her then. She wanted to let me to know about tennis times, so I am glad that is finally straightened out :) We hung around here for awhile until Julie came to get us, and took us to Mitchal's house to swim:D

Julie was housesitting for Mitch and his family while they were gone, so we had total access to the swimming pool and everything else:) It was sahhhweet! We ordered pizza and Julie had some people over, so that was fun<3 Then we heard the ICE CREAM TRUCK* and Erin and I grabbed money and ran, but Evan wasn't fast enough, so we had to get his for him :P and guess who's house we most deff. had to stop at? Miss Devan Everett <33 :) so we all went swimming with them instead of going back to Mitch's. It was me, Erin, Evan, Devan, Kira, Jimmy & Devin and that was pretty friggen awesome! Evan shoved Erin in the pool in her shirt, shorts, shoes and cell phone! :O It was really funny though because Erin went under and she stuck her hand up and she was holding the cell phone, so that didn't go under ... then she threw it to me and I layed it down and Evan and I both got in then, it was a party! ;) We were there from like 1-4, and Erin and I had to go home and get ready for the fair, so Devan called her mom and asked if she could go with us and thank god she was allowed :) So Julie came to Devan's and picked the three of us up all soaking wet and we jumped in the car and came back to my house<3 Boyy, I love those girls* Erin and Devan picked out and outfit for me and everything else, then we stopped and we like..."wait, how are we getting to the fair?" hahaha, we are retarded* I knew Andrea was going, so her mom took all of us to the fair at 6:00 and my mommyy picked all of us up at 10:00.

We were all packing in the car, and I said goodbye to Cerri Leigh and Caressa Rene<33 We dropped Andrea off first, then Devan tried killing Erin's fish on the way to Devan's house :P I think she did, but I am not sure how much that little buddy took ;) Then we dropped Devan off and Erin came to my house with me and her gram was waiting for us when we got here, so Erin came in, grabbed her bags, and left :/

MUCHO FUN NIGHT, LADIES* Love youu all<33

Around 11:00 Tierra called, and I absolulty needed to talk to her, so I was soo happy :D I swear that girl is the greatest<33 She always makes me feel better when I talk to her about stuff* Thanks Tierraa` i looooovee youuuu :)

2 days bitchess <33
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