Jul 18, 2005 12:14
Thurday Andrea and Tierra came over:D It was a blast! Need I say more?
Please Tierra, don't trip me again;) Twice is enough:) I love you girlss!<3*
Friday Andrea stayed over. We worked on our scrap book and it is awesome<33* I really love itt!
Saturday me, Andrea, and my mom went to the Nittany Mall and bought a good amount of stuff...We would walk into a store and I would tell them what I liked and then they would kick me out and buy something for my birthday* hahahaha. I pretty much know what I am getting...or at least I have an idea, but it's good, because I like everything! Then later that night, Erin picked me up and her and I, evan, their gram and pap, went to the firehall for the thinger. That was fun*
Yesterday I went with Andrea, Mem, and B to the dam and rode in the motor boat 8) ddammnnnn, that was fun! I didn't get burnt though, and thank god, because I probably wouldn't be allowed to go back anytime soon:P
Afterwards I went down to the pond and ate leftovers from the pig roast on Saturday. Yum Yum :) Then Erin came and her and I went down to the river to see POLICE!;):P. That was fun! We played UNO and Erin won every time...then we were talking about the forgein students and Elyse was making us all laugh! "The guy grabbed his fanny pack and ran ;)" Good lord, we saw from kids from our grade and I swear they get smellier everytime I see them! YUCKK!!:X
Today I am going to the pond with Erin later<33* That shall be a blast also.
I got a xanga today, Cerri did it for me:) THANK YOU C-L-S*
I found out two things...I hate the word DONEZOO and
Tierra isn't going to be here for my birthday :/ It's
okay though, because I understand, and I can always
talk to her on here:) loove youu tierra<3*