got these cute quotes from Jennifer

Mar 26, 2005 15:49

have you ever liked somebody 'sOo much. . .*`
that everytime you see them, you smile. . .`but
then you want to cry ` cause you know you`ll
never get the chance to be with them

**you know you love him when all it takes is just `' one
song on the radio to make you think of him and all `of
a sudden you have tears rolling down your face'

*i NeEd a BoY...a TrUe GuY,oNe wHo LoOkS ReAL ToUgH...BuT wOn'T mAkE mE cRy. i NeEd ThAt KiNdA gUy wHo UnDeRsTaNdS...AnD eVeN WhEn He'S wItH HiS bOyS hE sTiLL sAyS... "bAbY, HoLD mY hAnD..."

I canT *f0rgive* y0u f0r Leaving unTiL i can *f0rgive* myseLf f0r LeTTing y0u *sLiP* away

To love someone, when there is no chance of that love ever thriving, that is romance.

IM sTaRiNg aT yOuR pHoToGrApH
ReMeMbErInG eAcH mOmEnT yOu mAdE mE LaUgH
i NeVeR tHoUgHt tHiS wOuLd eNd ThIs WaY
ThAt iD sTiLL bE mISSiNg YoU
*..tO tHiS vErY dAy..*

FOrce a smile . blink away tHa tearz
im (( ''suPPosed'' )) * 'be ` strOng `*
`((suPPosed)) tO 'have nO fearz
but* ii`m fiNdin it hard nOt to fRown
im suCha * [ s t r O n g ] * `perSon
sO . . . why am i breaking down . .

so spring break has been THE BEST! i cudnt ask for more

so vane's party was lots of fun..i chilled w. kristy, natasha, and of course my baby...driving over there was a mission and a half.. and her parents were so cute wen they saw so special...and we were chilling..LAUGHING! lol and yea it was t0o fun..then we wanted to cut the cake so i sed i was leaving and being the important lil grl i am her mom sed to wait and she started getting every1 to cut the cake which was s0o0o0o good..and she gave me a piece to take home to my "mommy" lol and then i took my baby home and i went home =] got there a lil late but w/e

then thursday was awesome... i woke up early and went to dadeland with my parents....havent done that in a while...and i got cute belts, a cuteeee COACH purse, and cute coach sandals. yay! and then we came bak home and told my dad we were going to tanning but we went to pembroke lol..i think i saw Veronica's cousin/aunt idk at nine west but im not sure...and yea i fixed my 2 belts and got ANOTHER one..and then i went to american easlge and bought 3 cute tops and i had already bought clothes on thursday 2 cute jeans from zako and 3 shirts from Giti..oh yea Vane i hope u liked ur shirt i almost kept it lol!! uz a ghetto chik! lol anyway..yea then i was gonna go to tanning..and i didnt kno my baby got outa skool so early so i told him to head out with every1 w.o me and id meet we didnt go to tanning cos it was full and i came home and i got ready and ate cos i hadnt eaten in 2 days and my momy was pissed...and then i get to the fair..and my baby won my a UM ibis and a scooby doo ...he tried to win me the spongebob but its ok baby i still love the other things! i ran into Veronica's parents and that was cool..and i went on a lot of rides that i didnt want to cos my head hurted and i always get sick..but no1 else wanted to and my baby of course i went =) then we ate sum and i got sick lol..and then we headed out cos there wasnt anything else left to do...and i was gonna go to my babe's house and chill but i didnt feel good so i decided to go home instead and he got mad...but im sry bebe! yeap and then i got home and talked to my parents about the fair and junk and blah blah blah..

then friday i slept alot..i went to tanning and i got burnt it was hurting and itching but i got over it..and i went bak to sleep after and then i put on my bathing suit and called my baby and he came over and we were in the times 0;-) hehe...the lil chinita grls from next door were watching us do handstands in the pool and me trying to swim in the lil ant thing we got...but this summer we'll go in my old house...ill have a lil getty so it can be like old times with my pplz..yea anyway then we got out cos it was freezing nd i went to take a shower and my babe went to sleep in "his room" and then we were watching movies and such and we ordered sum good ass pizza that took forever to get there..and urania gave me my job application soo happy..and yea then we came to my room to watch a movie and i got in trouble but w/e it was def. worth it! and then my bebe left @ 1 and we were sooo tired but i made sure he got home ok..and then we went to sleep..

today i woke up and got yelled at for last nite..but like i sed b4 it was worth it..and yea now im gonna go get ready and im gonna go to MIAMI to this new movie theater that jus opened yesterday with my BABEE cos miami is cool like that and broward...well it jus isn't lol...and yea..that shud be fun..then im gonna go to my babe's house and watch hook cos yesterday we saw peter pan lol..we d0rks so wat...i cant believe spring break is almost over im so sad...its been great..and i got to chill with my homies..but w/e next week is kristys bday and we gonna chill on the weekend for sure!!!! and then the weekend after that is the wedding!!! and then for sure im getting together with kristy and vane and ppl REAL SOON!! i think ill have a getty @ my house...and we need angie natasha maca and whoever else over here! or we shud go to the beach next weekend! well ill talk to my homie kristy and seee about that...tonite is Ultra..hope u ppl have fun...stef be careful...and let it be the last time...we need to chill..and u still have my shirt lol i love joo!

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