4 signs to move on......

Mar 11, 2005 23:34

4 Reasons to drop a Relationship

Scary Signpost #1: LIES. We’re not talking about slight exaggerations; we’re talking full-blown, look-you-in-the-eye, detailed whoppers told to make himself look better or more important, or provide him with excuses why things don’t go his way.
PULL OVER BECAUSE: Trust is the foundation of every relationship; without it, there is nothing on which to build a relationship.

Scary Signpost #2: CHEATING. Technically, it’s too early for someone to be “cheating” on you (after all, you’ve just started dating, and neither one of you should be promising fidelity this early). However, he can be cheating on someone ELSE - with you as the (hopefully) unwitting partner. Don’t flatter yourself into thinking that he is with you because you are so much “better” than the other person. Actually, what WOULD make you the better person - and better off, at that - is if you dump this cheating chump immediately.
PULL OVER BECAUSE: If he cheated on her, he’ll cheat on you.

Scary Signpost #3: NEGLECT. Everyone gets busy, and sometimes it’s really hard to schedule time with someone you care about. But if your sweetie went from major availability to never returning your phone calls - and when you DO talk, he makes you feel like you’re selfish for wanting a slot in his now super-busy schedule - it’s time to take him off your speed dial. A person who truly cares about you will always find a way to get in touch and times to get together.
PULL OVER BECAUSE: If someone makes you feel like a bother because you want his attention, he’s not worth the bother.

Scary Signpost #4: ABUSE. I know that you know that there is never, ever any reason for someone to physically assault you and that the only one allowed to say “You drove me to it” is you - to describe why you had to call the cops to take him away. Abuse, however, is more than just physical: It’s being criticized and put down to the point where your self-esteem crumbles; it’s being called names and being made to feel lucky to be in ANY relationship.
PULL OVER BECAUSE: No one worth having makes you feel worthless.

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