Mar 28, 2009 10:52
Three months left. MSA is over. Next week is Spring Break. I mean, seriously, this year FLEW by. But I'm not complaining ^_^ MSA went well, I had a few upsets, but, well...hold on, these stories deserve their own bullets
~ First day of testing reading. During a break one of my kids comes up to me and says, "Something awful has happened!" I panic, " What, what happened?" He opens his hand to show me a rather bloody tooth. "What happened?" I asked again, this time with the concerned voice. "I-I pulled it out," he says to me. " Why would you pull out your tooth??" I ask. "Well, well, I have to go to the nurse, and now I can't take the rest of the test!" You sneaky, sneaky child, I think to myself. Now, you might think I am a mean teacher, but I'm not. I am a really nice teacher who doesn't take crap and get walked all over. I put the tooth in a baggie, pushed a tissue in his mouth and sat him back down. I did smother him in sanitizer, though.
~Second day of testing math. One of my girls walks over to me, shaking her head. "I don't know, I just don't know if I can take this test today." she is saying to me. "Why not?" I ask. "Well, I can't stop getting nose bleeds." she replied. " Okay, well, just try your best and if you get one, we'll just do what we need to do." She sits down and the test begins. About every five minutes, however, she asks for a tissue. My proctor and I don't think much of it, we have 18 snotty kids in the room. But then we notice the small pile of tissues collecting on her desk, each one with a spot of blood on them. I stop and watch her for a few minutes. Every time she took a tissue, she wrapped it around her finger, and proceeded to shove it up her nose, poking her nostril hard. The little smartie was trying to MAKE her nose bleed!! I just feel bad for whoever gets her test. Try as I might, I could only get to her with hand sanitizer every now and again, I know she smeered at least 10 boogers on that booklet.
I have more, but I would be typing forever. I will comment, however, on my little girl who puts styling grease in her hair, laid her head on her book, and now you can see through the page. Seriously, I wonder what the people who receive the test books think...
So school is going well this year. Only one more observation, then I am done. Theories are running around about what grade I am teaching next year. I might stick with 3rd grade or get bumped up to 5th. As long as I have a job next year, I am not going to be picky! E is doing great. His substituting has lead him to a full time job as a permanent sub, and he is doing an amazing job. Things are finally settling into place since we moved back to B-more. There were times when things were so up and down, I was sure we were heading back to the Burg. But now we've both found our place, and things, while they can always go rocky, for now are going smoothly. I gotta say I'm so proud of the hubby. He took a lot of crap over this past year, and it was incredibly hard to not go MamaBear.
Okay, I gotta run. I always try to keep up posting, but over the school year it gets hard to. Today we are off to the Burg, celebrating a b-day, then coming home. I am rather excited about this week. I have a GT meeting Monday, all day, which is my favorite meeting to go to. Then Tuesday we have an assembly. Wednesday we have a field trip, and as I said to my kids, what's the point in NOT doing something fun on Thursday, Friday is half a day then BAM! Spring Break!!