Stick a fork in me, I'm done!

Sep 09, 2010 22:47

Are you kidding me?! I still have two more months of this??!!! First off-I don't think I can sweat anymore. My hair has been matted to my head more than a pre-teen learning how to take showers every day! Everything is big. And when I think it can't get much bigger-it does.
I am finding a few things a little unfair, and down right frustrating. Let me tell you about gestational diabetes. No, I did not become diabetic while pregnant. But, coming from a line of diabetic family members, I am still being treated like I am. Which means-NO SUGAR EVER. My weight gain has been fine, not perfect (a summer of chocolate milkshakes will do that, but don't tell my doctor, shhh!!!) Even still, my doctor wants me to pretty much halt my weight so I don't go over. Really, she is respecting my wishes because she knows my birth plan (NO C-section!) and knows I am weight conscience. So, put weight and diabetes together-and pretty much I am eating nothing but lettuce until the baby is born.
Then, the frickin' kicker. We went in for our final ultrasound today, and found out Anna is 4.5 lbs already. Which means, she may get over 8 lbs. Not terrible, and I'm not too worried-but it was people's reactions that threw me.
" 4 1/2 pounds??? Your kid's going to be huge!"
"OMG-HOW long do you have left? Two months still?? Oh my god!"
I was looking at work shoes in Target and a pair of moms started talking to me. They asked if I was due any day and when I mentioned I still had two months-you could have picked up their jaws from the floor. Even my mother! When I told her, she got all wide-eyed but then started saying "It's not that bad, you'll be fine," followed up by "just put it in God's hands."
Well. Shit. When Mom starts telling me to put it in God's hands...just...dangit.
Basically, I am going to hide in my house until the baby comes.
Luckily, it is all out front. She just sticks out in front and that's where the gain is. I hear that makes it easier to lose, but we'll see.
Sorry for the rant, it needed to happen. Seriously--all I want is some frickin' chocolate...
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