A Moveable Feast is a memoir by Ernest Hemingway about his years
as a struggling expatriate journalist and writer in Paris during the 1920s.
Each one can be read as a stand-alone piece or entity,
not dependent upon the context of the whole work,
nor necessarily arranged in any chronological order:
"A Good Café on the Place St.-Michel"
"Miss Stein Instructs"
"Une Génération Perdue"
"Shakespeare and Company"
"People of the Seine"
"A False Spring"
"The End of an Avocation"
"Hunger Was Good Discipline"
"Ford Madox Ford and the Devil's Disciple"
"Birth of a New School"
"With Pascin at the Dôme"
"Ezra Pound and His Bel Esprit"
"A Strange Enough Ending"
"The Man Who Was Marked for Death"
"Evan Shipman at the Lilas"
"An Agent of Evil"
"Scott Fitzgerald"
"Hawks Do Not Share"
"A Matter of Measurements"
"There Is Never Any End to Paris"
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Moveable_Feast dr. π (pi)