Former YouTube CEO Dies of Turbo Cancer After De-Platforming Millions for "Medical Misinformation"

Aug 16, 2024 15:07

Enter, The BioWeapon and YouTurbo Cancer Culture

She was just a "worker bee,” a Babylon Bee. Is YouTurbo the new Babylon Bee?

*Former YouTube CEO Dies of Turbo Cancer After De-Platforming Millions for "Medical Misinformation" - LMFAO via

Susan Wojcicki Sudden "Exit" From YouTube Sign of Silicon Valley Times? Dead (wo)men tell no tales...

Former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki Resigned After 25 Years of Dictating mutherWEFer Censorship Deplatforming
Tens of Thousands of YT Content Creators. Too bad, so sad.

Fenbendazole ! .[Spoiler (click to open)]."I told you so"

As Ed Dowd said the other day, "If you're a billionaire and you didn't get the memo not to take the vaccine, you're not in The Club...I've heard, word-of-mouth, some people you would be shocked, didn't get the memo." Sadly, it appears that 25-year Google/Alphabet insider and 9-year YouTube CEO, Susan Wojcicki may have been one of those billionaires who "didn't get the memo" and that she was killed by the very thing over which she destroyed YouTubers' careers, the very thing about which they had been warning their viewers.

Dr William Makis, MD, has become an expert in managing the vaccine damage caused by the US Government's genocide program and who has devised a Fenbendazole protocol for reversing the "Turbo Cancers" caused by jab had these comments about the late YouTube CEO:

Susan Wojcicki was a Deep State Operative who was responsible for unprecedented censorship that led to countless unnecessary deaths.
It is somewhat unusual to die of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer after only 2 years.
If she took COVID-19 Vaccines, this would certainly be suspicious for a Turbo Cancer as Lung Cancers are in the top 5 most common Turbo Cancers, although it is hard to believe that a key Deep State operative would have taken any of the jabs themselves.

Longtime Canadian podcaster, Dan Dicks, who was one of the millions de-platformed by Wojcicki had this to say about her passing.

The former CEO of YouTube has just "Died Suddenly" of a turbo cancer that she just developed two years ago.
Former YouTube CEO, Susan Wojcicki dies of cancer, aged 56.
This comes just eight months after her 19-year-old son was killed by a drug overdose.
But more importantly, she developed this cancer and died after taking the COVID-1984 vaccine. The very same one she's been heavily-promoting and banning people, like me for warning people not to take it!

In August of 2020, when I interviewed The Highwire's Del Bigtree on censorship and the coming mandatory vaccination program, of course, I was labeled as a conspiracy theorist for saying all of that back then, but it has all come to fruition. Our channels did get censored and the vaccine did become de facto-mandatory for many people!

Back then we were saying there is no evidence that children should be taking these vaccines or boosters. And then, two years later, World Health Organization says there's no evidence healthy children and adolescents need COVID boosters.

Back then, we were also explaining how they were fudging the numbers by claiming that people were dying from COVID when they were actually dying with COVID.
And then two years later, a quarter of all COVID deaths are now patients who died with the virus, not from it. Official data shows.

Youtube would shadowban "borderline content", or flat-out ban any content that violates the official narrative.

Wojcicki explained how they, themselves use influencers and propaganda to steer the conversation into their desired direction.

If Susan would have listened to us, instead of the so-called "experts", she'd be alive today. And I hate to keep saying "I told you so" but "I told you so.”

The age old tactic of, order out of chaos or problem reaction solution; It could be a health pandemic, it could be an economic crash, they need something to get Canadians into a fear state to force the issue of the jab.

Way back in 2014, you just switch out the word Ebola for COVID.  Same difference.

In Canada, as well the US, government meddling has come between the doctor and the patient, yet there is another force that has also come between and that is the media. All media is propaganda. And behind every headline is greed and fear.

There are now more pandemic scares than ever. Bird flu, H1N1, SARS, West Nile, mad cow, tuberculosis, HIV, AIDS, even BPA and DDT and asbestos, Fake News, Propaganda and the big one, Climate Change and now World Nuclear War. Dogshit on your shoe. And on anon. Q you.

The truth is in the jab.

...Conspiracy is the New Truth

An artist friend of mine who took the mRNA had a stroke and is now paralyzed on one side, same as our 35 yo nephew.

The Jim Carroll Band - People Who Died (With The Jab) 70 Million And Counting...

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dr. π (pi)

health issues, fake world, cancel culture, fuck fear, covid, bad news, google tube, conspiracy theory

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