Trump Haters vs Biden Haters

Jul 17, 2024 15:34

Self-haters - I expect most Trump haters hate themselves. The rest of us just think he’s entertaining.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think all 62,984,828 people who voted for Trump are guilty of the racist, sexist or homophobic charges
being levied against them. A few might just like lower taxes or safe borders, or no nuclear war. I can't even read my own mind when
it comes to Trump. As for the rest of America, I'm guessing a lot of people might be eager to finally fight the Resistance.

Yet there are those hardcore lefties who have zero tolerance for anything not woke, which in turn breeds criticism of the left and right
in separate arenas, when what is needed is to simply communicate concerns in polite manner. In the case of Biden he is loved by the left
in spite of collapsing the American economy, perpetuating war and selling off socialism to the global communists as did Obama, Bushes
and Clintons before him. Trump is hated by half of America, who don't even listen to his actual speech. Why is Trump so hated by some?
Trump is a new clean up crew who threatens to tip the apple cart for the criminal elite cartel now in power. America was raised on robbery.

Many are still under the false impression that Jan 6 was a remake of the Boston Tea Party. But was it? What do you really know about Jan 6?

Recent attacks against individuals wearing "Make America Great Again" hats have failed to make it to the national news media cycle,
giving the impression that attacks from President Donald Trump's supporters are the only ones worth noting. 2019 pre-Jan 6 via

All you think you know, is what you've been told by Fake News Mainstream, which has been extremely distorted. Just gimme some truth.

Haters, gonna hate.

dr. π (pi)

socio politics, american breakdown

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