Jul 09, 2024 23:07
Tacit, to whit.. How does one bend words ?
Sarcasm is contrarianism, contrite-ism without the wit.
Or the reverse, the vice of verse. I forgot which.
An inversion of what you really think, or say.
We can’t hear it any other way. Just blame
Someone else for that which you are guilty of.
Sardonic is sarcastic, except as a kind of humorousness.
Darker than sarcasm, but with a more pleasant sneer.
Irony is cheap. Talk is so much cheaper than fear.
The importance of being Ernest, is good sarcasm.
Curb your enthusiasm, a modest proposal to fit,
This is why people try to spite their noses
Right off of their faces, to maintain a lie.
Then cancel culture will bury it, as if
It never existed, or did it, Mendela?
Irony can provide a home run. For some
Think it a relay to run you in circles
Until you leave the game, in which case,
They win! ~psp
dr. π (pi)
socio politics,
literate hilton,