The True North - Strong and Free !!

Jul 01, 2024 10:45

The World Before Woke Idiocracy. Is Canada Just Another False Flag Psyop?

Have a Canada Day. Truckers and Fuckers, Farmers and Harmers.

This is NOT a Happy Canada Day. Canada, how much buggery and fuckery can you take before you become Awake?

Fuck Health Canada, bringer of death.
Fuck you evil doctors and liars, big pharma death agents,
Fuck your lawyers and judges, and maggots in the black robes,
Fuck you corrupt service corporations.
Fuck your death care dispensaries, and hospital death camps.
Fuck you agents of fortune, corrupt politicians and treasoners.
Fuck your crooked bankers, fuck your usury.
Fuck the unrealistic realtors and tax agents,
Fuck your crooked bankers and hyper-inflation.
Fuck your mad professors and pseudo-scientists,
Fuck all you bad actors that made this shit happen.
Fake lying media and fake pundits just don't cut it anymore.
Fuck the 99% that drink the kool-aid, and are now dying. ~psp

Who grows the food that you little piggies eat?
Big bad truckers, who makes the goods that you ship to market?
Nurses and care workers and essential trade workers,
Farmers and all essential workers unite! ~psp

Canada Freedom Convoy - No Fear. Over 300,000+ believe there is corruption here. The other 99% are willing to go along for the ride...

Meet the Fuckers Selling Out Our Country : .[Spoiler (click to open)].Truckers and Fuckers, Farmers and Harmers

Globalist pigs who want to take away your land; "You will own nothing and you will be happy".
China is stealing our property.
Every widget 'Made in China' is another nail in your coffin.

Blackface Trudeau stands with Indians only to divide and weaken the country. India and China are the controlled opposition. He is a bad actor.

MutherWEFer Prime Criminal Turdhole and His Mediocrisies - Evil Health Canada bans Ivermectin, but condones remdesivir to kill patients.

.The True North Strong and Weak !!

Our soiled flag about to go up in flames. Sick. All that is left cannot be right

dr. π (pi)

fuck the fed, freedom, canada, poem, fuck globalism, convoy, fuck shit up

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