Full Moon Solstice

Jun 21, 2024 18:08

The full moon of June, also called the Strawberry Moon, will occur on Friday June 21 at 9:08 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time

The moon will be visible throughout the night sky rising at sunset in the east and setting with the sunrise the next morning in the west.

June's Full Strawberry Moon will be the lowest on the horizon. The low position will appear exceptionally large despite the fact this is not a supermoon.

Around every 20 years, the Strawberry Moon coincides with the summer solstice, which is either on June 20, 21, or 22.

A Midsummer Night’s Moon Full Moon and Rituals: The Summer Solstice Began June 20

And only one holiday celebrates the summer solstice under the Strawberry Moon: Midsummer or St. John’s Feast, the perfect night to spend outside
dancing around a fire with your friends.

Self center
Cleanse + bless your space with Frankincense incense
Take a sea salt bath
Meditate on what you wish to release, write it down + burn the paper
Charge crystals in the moonlight
Make moon water
Sit/sleep in the moonlight
Pursuing your sacred purpose
Set an intention for something you wish
Plant, dream, meditate…
Be grateful
Close the ritual
Let go

June's Full Moon

"Strawberry Fields Forever" Beatles from Across the Universe · Jim Sturgess · Joe Anderson (2007)

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dr. π (pi)



beatles, strawberry fields forever, solstice, moon at the window, full of soul and sacrifice

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