Doing Ass Time

May 24, 2024 10:36


1) One who has the face of an ass, 2) One who has an ass for a face, 3) One who has the appearance of two protruding
buttcheeks just below one's forehead that look like an assface

When Youtube, Twitter and Facebook joined Alphabet Inc., they became YouTwitFace

This may sound assinine, but is akin to doing facetime.

Something went wrong!

assface on Twitter- Literally 1k% WTF

WARNING !! Adult Content

Doing Ass Time on Facebook : .[Spoiler (click to open)].YouTwitFace

Assface preacher Netflix

Ass flash !! It's springtime for Hitler and Germany * The follower are out in full fascism...

Alternate definition: MY XBOYFRIEND
someone's ex husband

.Ass Update

dr. π (pi)

google is evil, google tube, facebook, fuck facebook, ass flash news flash, fuck google, ass flap analysis

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