Drunken Wisdom

May 19, 2024 22:49

Spirit vs Spirits - Which Will You Choose?

Alexander Zinoviev [1984: 36] aptly observes that drunkenness in Russia is "
[...] a genuine national religion".

Via : https://chernoyarec.livejournal.com/38442.html

I met this person at this party...

Alexander Zinoviev. Drunkenness. Drinking companions

Roughly speaking, this is a tangible matter of spiritual closeness of people,
a means to be with kindred spirits next to each other and to feel like a part
of some kind of spiritual unity.

There is a thing more important than clothes, sex, a delicious dinner.
This thing is a Russian heartfelt conversation.
And therefore, when there is an urgent need,
Away with the burden of heavy thoughts.
Be kind, give me an interlocutor -
Wasting worthless time.

It is extremely difficult to find such interlocutors among teetotalers,
and among drunkards there are as many of them as you like.

Alexander Alexandrovich Zinoviev (Russian: Алекса́ндр Алекса́ндрович Зино́вьев;
October 29, 1922 - May 10, 2006) was a Soviet philosopher, writer, sociologist, and journalist. via

"18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit" - Ephesians 5:18

dr. π (pi)

booze allen, drunk santa, books, tales from the pub

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