Message for a good fellow

May 03, 2024 21:05

I guess I've been blocked for anti-pigism... sorry to see you go,

--- X wrote:
> man honestly
> I love you like a dear human you are, but if you won't change your name, I'll ban y9u>
> no pig shit on my territory.

i would grant you that
i like you too, but
i've had that handle since 2006
at this point what's the point
to change that would take editing hundreds of posts
others have asked why the name?
it was a sarcasm on the internet media
and how it should never be taken seriously
you can just call me pi if that's better for you
but if you so choose, i won't block you
you can still visit and comment
i'm ok, you're ok
if you do block me
others have too
but not for the name
some for my viewpoints
because i'm too open minded
all the best
you seem like a serious fellow
creative spirit
i respect that
take care

one person calls me mr. P
another calls me poet
others use pi
call me anything you like
it doesn't bother me
i've learned to deal with my humility
thanks bro

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Well, so much for that.

dr. π (pi)

livejournal, internet censorship, pigs in shit, friends of pigshitpoet

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