Kant's Moral Lesson - Fuck Your Enemy Up The Ass !

Apr 19, 2024 14:30

It Is The Law - "Do No Harm"

Kant argued that duty - not inclination - should be regarded as the sole basis for judging the moral goodness of actions.

Mindfuck : .[Spoiler (click to open)].Legal is Not Lawful

To self-justify your harmful actions to fit your agenda is like changing the rules of the game as we go.

Sunrise on the Brooklyn Bridge, A Brownstone wonder - Brooklyn NY

In the 18th century Immanuel Kant - arguably the most important philosopher of the historical European Enlightenment - gave us what is known as a ‘deontological (duty-oriented)’ moral philosophy, as opposed to, for example, a ‘consequentialist’ variety, or one that assesses the moral rightness of human actions by asking whether the results (consequences) of actions justify the actions themselves. By Kantrast, Kant argued that duty - not inclination - should be regarded as the sole basis for judging the moral goodness of actions.

"Universal Law", state-specific laws, namely the universally valid ‘practical law’ (related to praxis) or ‘moral law,’ which may be used as a touchstone for the former regarding their justifiability. ‘Definite laws’, ‘positive laws,’ ‘supreme laws,’

It is therefore reconcilable with the ‘categorical imperative,’ while its opposite - ‘Thou shalt kill’ - taken as a commandment, is not compatible with Kant’s categorical imperative, because that would be a performative contradiction.

If the evidence of injuries is not sufficient to disabuse anyone of the naïve belief, that there is no causal connection between deaths on a massive scale and the Covid jabs, they merely have to peruse available evidence of malfeasance, such as that referred to below.

We are informed that Pfizer’s mRNA ‘vaccine’ contains billions of programmable nano-scale ‘bots’ - that is, ‘nanobots’ which can be turned on and off once they have been injected into the human body, and even have an IP address, so that they are connected to the internet. They were developed by Israeli Professor Ido Bachelet of Bar-Ilan University, in cooperation with Pfizer, and as Bachelet explains, these nanorobots can deliver different ‘payloads’ to the human body - which can then be released when those controlling the nanobots wish to do so.

This biotechnology marks the actualisation of Klaus Schwab’s so-called ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution,’ which has as its goal to connect the bodies of human beings to the internet and to other ‘smart’ devices which can ‘communicate’ with their bodies. In fact, we are reminded that Bill Gates and Microsoft were (supposedly) granted the exclusive right to the human body to function as a computer network. The so-called ‘fact-checkers’ in the service of the global cabal intent on harming the rest of humanity - whom they regard as ‘useless eaters’ - routinely deny that the Covid ‘vaccines’ increase the risk of death, of course.

This is why you must clusterfuck Klaus Schwab up the ass and ass-rape Bill Gates. They are evil incarnate.

*Problem : No one wants to touch them with a ten foot cock. Fuck the evil bastards.


.Are We Woke Enough Yet?

*In sum: the conspicuous absence of moral justifiability of the actions by the globalist neo-fascists is
a saddening indication that human society has significantly deteriorated into moral cesspool.

dr. π (pi)

fuck the fed, socio-political, fuck microsoft, heal the world

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