Good Morning !

Apr 08, 2024 09:26

Get Mooned Up, My Babies !

The new moon on April 8 at 2:21 p.m. EDT (11:21 PDT) ushers in a "Great American Eclipse"

Pink Floyd - Eclipse - 1973 - With Lyrica

image Click to view

New moon phase on April 8 will bring on the 2024 total solar eclipse. Why is there no eclipse every full and new moon?
Lunar eclipses come on Full Moons, Solar Eclipses are New Moons (on steroids). Not asteroids, but steroids. Solar and
lunar eclipses always come in pairs, with one following the other in a period of one fortnight (approximately two weeks).
For example, the descending node penumbral lunar eclipse on March 24-25, 2024, precedes a ascending node total solar
eclipse on April 8, 2024.

This Total Solar Eclipse is going to be visible from most of Canada and the USA, Mexico, Central America, and some
areas of Western Europe with exact duration of the event being dependent on your location.

This solar eclipse is in the zodiacal sign of Aries.

Super New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries

Lunar Eclipse 2024 Path Of Totality

There will be 224 solar eclipses in the 21st century. And there will be 230 lunar eclipses in the 21st century. If the Earth and moon orbited on the same plane around the sun, we’d have a total solar eclipse - and a total lunar eclipse - every month. But we don’t, because the moon’s orbit is inclined to Earth’s orbit by about 5 degrees. In 2024, there are four eclipses: two solar and two lunar.

Chiron Generator : .[Spoiler (click to open)].A Total Eclipse Omens of Drastic Change

After a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra, the lunar cycle begins with a New Moon in the opposite sign of Aries, coinciding with a Total Solar Eclipse and exactly conjunct with Chiron. The Sun and the Moon meet at 19º23’ of the sign of the Ram, also in proximity to the Lunar North Node at 15º of Aries and to retrograde Mercury at 24º of Aries.

This event is a powerful collective turning point and will be strongly felt by everyone. We are more likely to experience life-altering changes, breakthroughs, and wake-up calls: as we are embarking on a new chapter of their healing journey and will have chances to transform their lives in radical ways. Solar Eclipses are considered to be supercharged, more intense New Moons that mark potent new beginnings and inaugurate a brand new chapter of our lives. Old endings mark new beginnings. It is the way of life.

This Total Solar Eclipse in Aries marks the start of a brand new cycle of personal and collective evolution, bringing an energy of initiation that invites transformation, awakening, and redemption. Cardinal, Yang, and Fire sign, Aries as an archetype is associated with initiation, risk-taking, rebirth, and new beginnings. Through the sign of the Ram, we tap into our inner fire, embody our inner warrior, and work on developing a conscious relationship with our anger. We connect with our capacity to be the leaders of our lives, to take paths that no one ever walked before, to go toward the direction that instinctively calls us. Follow your gut instinct.

The fact that the light of the Sun, which makes life on Earth possible, is prevented from reaching us was considered an especially dramatic occurrence that, in the past, would generate widespread fear. As the Sun gets eclipsed, we have an opportunity to both face our shadows and connect with our inner light.

The new moon in Dune, ie. Doom is eclipsed by the Sun - Super-New-Moon-Total-Solar-Eclipse-in-Aries

New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries conjunct Chiron: Healing and Redemption

"Gentlemen (and Ladies), start up your Chiron generators!"

Chiron is a celestial body associated with the archetypes of the Wounded Healer, the Maverick, and the Teacher. In Astrology, Chiron is connected to both our wounds and a kind of pain that seems unsolvable and our healing journey. In particular, Chiron resonates with themes surrounding rejection, vulnerability, isolation, and not fitting in.

These planetary alignments underline the value of self-forgiveness and self-acceptance as well as the necessity of feeling the pain we have been avoiding in order to be able to create a different reality.

During this journey through Aries, Chiron has been bringing up wounds surrounding the feeling of not having the right to exist, disconnection from instinct and our primal nature, fear of initiating and taking action, painful experiences connected to unconscious or abusive expressions of masculine energy, trauma associated with war, and challenges expressing and relating to anger and aggression in a healthy manner.

New Moon Full Eclipses invite us on a wild ride and remind us to enjoy the journey, even if we have no idea of what is happening or where we are going. via

Shit's supposed to happen...

.In the New Moon of Aries

Tens of millions of people await the total solar eclipse

Sending love and blessings your way.. Happy Solar Eclipse!

dr. π (pi)

sunset, american sunset, moon at the window

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