Bad Night Again For Face Pain

Apr 07, 2024 09:56

My face hurts to beat hell,
Another ambulance screams by...
I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.
But I might like to electrocute LeTardo in the face,
Just to send him a clear message for what he and his libtards
Are doing to bankrupt this country, and destroy the economy to hijack our
Natural resources, using carbon taxes, hyper-inflation, unaffordable housing, increased rent
Indigenous land expropriation, environmental waste, green energy, EV graveyard, collective carbon footprint
Causing hyper-inflation, increase cost of living, and unaffordable housing, mRNA depopulation genocide,
Collected by emergency ambulances daily and taken to hospital death camps, where they will be processed,
And cremated to dispose of the evidence, raiding pension funds, and stealing taxes, low wage parity, high interest rates,
They know very well what they’re doing. Bloody banksters.

Destroying our society, families, communities, with woke bullshit, and hate speech, nazi illegal internment
Propagandized by state fake legacy media, legalized by corrupt politicians, paid to do dirty deeds dirt cheap.

That's what I thought about all night, while sleeping sitting up and holding my face.

dr. π (pi)

socio-politics, health issues, poetic meaning

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