Old Men At Coffee Talking About News

Apr 05, 2024 14:49

Police are looking for a driver of a red Lamborghini, clocked at 209 mph, across the Lion’s Gate Bridge
Breaking the speed limit of 50 kph, over which the wind whips faster… Two ‘storeys’, either..
It was his dad’s car and he was late picking him up from a business meeting…
Or the lady who gave him the keys at the auto dealer, was caught off guard,
He took off ! On a test drive to Whistler and back; Hopefully, he had enough gas,
Or the car will be found some day on the Sea to Sky Hwy, after the fact. A man was seen
Hitchhiking today on the Sea to Sky near Sasquatch BC, in the early hours headed south to Vancouver,
They believe he was picked up by a motorcycle seen speeding through N Van in early morning.
Details remain sketchy. Stay tuned for updates. ~psp

You know when you get your pant leg caught on the brake peddle... ?

The truth of the story is : https://pigshitpoet.livejournal.com/9445420.html
A motorcyclist filmed himself driving 234 kilometres per hour on a busy Lions Gate Bridge in Vancouver.

dr. π (pi)

fast food, car parts, poetic meaning, motorcycle diaries

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