Earth's Ascension to the Eighth Dimension
What is a definition of the 8th dimension?
The 8th dimension is a theoretical concept in physics and mathematics that goes beyond our usual understanding of
space and time. In some theories, it is associated with the idea of the multiverse, which proposes the existence
of multiple universes, each with its own set of physical laws and constants. The concept of the 8th dimension
is often used in discussions about string theory and other advanced physics theories, but it's important
to note that these ideas are still speculative and not yet proven through empirical evidence.
Earth's Ascension to the Eighth Dimension ~ 8 ~ Herein, Infinity Resides...
A guided meditation that will assist you to find the point just before your ascension takes place so that
you can fuel your journey to that pinnacle moment with ease and grace. There is going to be a clearing that
will be loaded by Creator consciousness throughout this journey. I will guide you in accessing it when we are done.
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to note that these ideas are still speculative
and not yet proven through empirical evidence dr. π (pi)