The Day Before Christ Was Crucified - O.. my... God !!

Mar 29, 2024 13:13

Are you ready for the epitome of counterculture and stupidity ?

Really? MSNBC is suddenly religious? Christ, leave me out of it. WTF

Here come the bible thumpers !!

Rev AI (artificial intelligence: Revelation) Rev. Al Sharpton : "For those of us that really believe in the Bible,
Trump is selling bibles. He's selling them for $60. MSNBC thinks This money might go for some of the (ill)legal fees,
against the deep state for his relationship with a porn star. Let us pray here." - Hallelujah !!

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So, Trump's worst crime now is selling Bibles to promote Christianity. Sounds like the Romans and Jews had something
to do with this. When asked, "What is your favourite ungulate?" Trump has no idea... to believe in the Bible, you
have to read the bible! - The shit you find on YouTube. They've run out of shit to talk about. What about slaughter in
Palestine? Demolition of Gaza and human genocide. Where is the God in that? Duh.

Yesterday's news, today.

Charlie Sykes says : "Trump's commodifying the Bible during Holy Week" - You've gotta love the rhetoric.

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He's going to cause a revival to christianity? Let the slaughter begin! Oh, wait, it already has, over in Israel.

Praise the Lord! And pass the ammunition !!

So, is this the real bible or the revised edition according to Joe Biden?
Commodify everything. Leave no soul unturned.

The battle is spiritual.

dr. π (pi)

social political, spiritual hilton, american breakdown

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