Who Are Jew?

Mar 28, 2024 10:09

I Cannot Look Away. 👀

We cannot turn away from this. It is happening before our eyes. Nobody is doing anything to help as the world looks on, dumbfounded.

Who Are These Irreverent Monsters? Who Think They Are "God's Chosen"?

Ready to build palaces in Gaza over the bloodbath of Palestine, Israeli citizens bring soldiers at the border their gifts of support, without remorse, ready to go in a claim devastated property in the bloodbath from the Palestinians. Palestine is essentially devastated. Who is justified here, and why? How is it ethical to slaughter, ethnic cleanse, genocide a whole population of people, just for gain of property? WTF

Palestinians evacuate wounded woman from Israeli bombardment in Khan Younis refugee camp via

Why does Israel have such a taste for blood and devastation?

Where do the ethical boundaries lie? Seemingly, there are none.

Exposed: Horrendous Slaughter / Theater of the Heinous

New Film Reveals Mass Israeli Extremism, (or exterminism) w/ Journalist Jeremy Loffredo

image Click to view

This is your bloody climate change, your new world order, your global reset, your Armageddon.

While we lay sleeping...
; O


kill bill, death cab for cutie, war & peace, end of the world

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